All zodiac signs will benefit, and Karma begins for everyone.

Second Capricorn Full Moon
I am being shown what to expect with the July full moon for all zodiac souls as a light connection from the Universe with all of us on Earth to reiterate we are not alone as we cross the finish line.
There is a direct link between the Buck moon and the second Capricorn moon to close or slam shut the issues that were blocking so many souls. When we sprout new life after letting go of old and painful experiences, like a buck getting new antlers, we experience growth and regeneration. It is a time for us to seek new adventures.
The new full moon began at 6:17 a.m. EST. It's your time to show yourself all of the improvements you have made over the past 30 days since the last full moon in Capricorn in June 2024.
If you felt stuck, repressed, and drained, this moon is your sign to take action on your passion and purpose.
Coming Soon - Next article: Spiritual Attacks and Protection Is Vital
This full moon brings a glimmer of light peering through the dark paths walked, and with it, more revelations of underhanded and shady people and situations. As we've been seeing conspiracy theories that show truth or untruth, an even more significant moment will happen. Karma!
The second Capricorn Full Moon period is the tower (card) with falling masks, words, and other debris that will crumble. You may see it already has been happening - the outside world events showing us exactly where mistakes and low-vibing forced failures—most of all, the deception kept everyone stuck and even flipping upside down. Now is the time for the consequences of actions and lack of actions.
Find My Passion and Purpose Virtual Workshop

It's time to get down to the depth of you as a soul and why you're here. Even if things are going well, there may still be a lingering feeling theres still more to go.
Included: live Q&A, worksheets, review, and a free ebook on Planning your future within your passion and purpose. The next Live Virtual Workshop is August 6th, 2024.
That's right . . . the time we knew would come when those who used their ugly, nasty, and evil to get what they wanted would be dealt their penance by the universe. Yes, that includes all of us, not just them.
Those who have been working on healing, letting go, and starting new directions will receive a lot of cosmic help to go further. Now that you understand this news, it's recommended that you stop and say thank you (gratitude) and keep moving forward in your life rejuvenation.
Remember, karma arrives to push us into the corner if we wish harm on anyone in the present and from the past. So, we will see or hear anything negative from others, even ourselves. The ones who were filled with hate, greed, and envy because you were a threat, they hate themselves or want to be you—things will be stripped away from those doing their shadow work and balancing ourselves to be the best we can be.
Get your professional psychic reading with Lori Ann (LA Gonzales) and make the changes to create abundance. Now on sale through the end of July!
Remove what you saw was blocking areas that were not taking off in the direction you wanted. Let them go … release them, and cut the cords. The Phoenix rising from the asked will make more sense to those ready for their giant leap!
The bottom line is that we are ending the cycle of disruptions and challenges that have been going on since 2008. Use these next 30 days and the power of the Divine within to become you. Be your courageous and empowered zodiac sign connected to the universe. It's time to stand up and stand out.
As above Mean
When you hear the phrase "As above, so below," what does it mean to you? The words are an affirmation that can help us all remember this: Above is our higher self, which brings us what we're thinking and focusing on down below. Translate that into knowing what you are thinking, feeling, and doing right now (positive or negative) will show up in your real life.
Work on visualization techniques to remind yourself to focus on manifesting what you want. We all have the power within, after we remove the blocks aroud us.
Coming Soon - Next article: Time Is Precious - Timeline Shifts
Wait! There's more . . .

Who is LA Gonzales?
Find out more about Lori Ann. Did you know she is a Minister?
A Psychic-Medium, Energy Healer Hypnosis, and much more. About Us.
What is a degree in Metaphysical Humanistic Science?
Join us for our 8th-year Celebration of Ascending Souls Journey as we start new courses, classes, and group virtual sessions.
NEW Virtual Group session!
Spiritual Talk Live! Tuesday July 30th @ 7 pm EDT
We will meet each week in a live group session to discuss everything to do with Metaphysics, Spirituality, Ascension, Twin Flames Reuniting, and much more.
There will be one topic with Q&A each week. Donations are accepted. You can contribute what you feel is equal; the suggested amount is $7 per week. Use our donation link, and I will send you the group virtual link. Topic requests can be submitted to:
Some of the topics we will discuss (not in any order):
3 SIGNS you have made the jump
Soul Contracts Renewals and New Ones
New lines of communication with the Divine
Our Frequencies are off - mismatched
Spiritual Warfare is ramping up all the way. Demons, Angels, and spirits
Twin Flame Reunions
Walking In Our Soul Purpose
Hope, Faith, and Changes