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What To Expect With New Planetary Energy Shifts

Writer: LA GonzalesLA Gonzales

Updated: Oct 10, 2022

September 2022 psychic-astro forecast

The photo was taken from Central North Carolina on September 6, 2022, at 8:30 pm. by LA Gonzales with Ascending Souls Journey, LLC.

The halo view signals full harvest moon is on the way. The glowing colors surrounding it are waiving at us to pay attention to what is happening on earth.

September is an exciting month where the unseen will become forceful to assist us in taking action. Three different planetary and energetic shifts will take place over the following weeks to guide us toward our goals.

The universe is sending profound messages to let us know there is a new chapter for many right around the corner, and it is time to move forward. We can never move forward and reap all the benefits meant for us if we have anything lingering for review.

The gain will happen, but not at the full scale intended for each unique person. So the energy is shifting to help us make the changes and cut loose old habits, negative thinking, and people that alter us in any way. Awareness will grow over this period.

Here are the Three Planetary Energy Shifts

September Full Harvest Moon

Some zodiac signs will feel the heaviness of the trio, and others will be able to reap the rewards with ease. Let's look at a brief synopsis of what energy is on its way.

September 10, 2022, brings in the Full moon; however, this one is slightly different. The Harvest Moon is rolling in, which carries the history from many moons ago. Throughout the evolution of man, farmers relied on this moon to tend to the fall crops. Not having the convenience of clocks, watches, and time as we do today, they relied on the moon to guide them accurately to produce food for families. Plowing and harvesting the fields and ensuring everything was in place were vital for survival.

Today we may not manually harvest crops in our personal lives; however, we do place energy and time toward improving our overall life maintenance. The Harvest Moon still guides many of us to stay on track for the ultimate payout in the future.

As the moon turns, it transmits to humans to put everything into the spiritual project stuck inside our core or center. A synchronistic movement shows us the beginning is on the way days before reaching the full moon phase. Despite the low energy levels from a fun-filled summer or time vested in life, the universe guides us to continue.

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Highley sensitive humans will feel the effects on a spiritual level and may want to minimize their thinking in the clouds, which can prevent any action toward progress with dreams and goals. The upcoming Mercury in Retrograde is traveling through to ensure we stay on the ground.

Mercury Retrograde September 9, 2022

It's that time again when Mercury demands us to return to something and take another look. Mercy Retrograde begins its full throttle on September 9 and will affect many on an energetic level to stop and reflect for a while throughout October 1, 2022. It zaps our energy and triggers our emotions to remember something we may have missed or didn't want to complete.

Confusion about the things and people we love will be a reminder to clear out any negativity. A complete clearing, and we can only move forward without having to deal with the same situation again. There's no need to try and remember anything; it will be shown point blank what we should review.

People from our past will dominate our minds as we try not to think about them. The nagging of memories will hold much influence over those stuck in the anger or low vibration cycle. This cycle will include family, friends, co-workers, careers, romance, and missed or paused opportunities.

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The sink or car that needed some repair will be shaking and shimmering to get our attention so we can get it fixed. Our health will send signals to make changes or go to the doctor for anything needing fine-tuning. Mercury demands us to stop and look again. We can consider this another opportunity not to have attachments to anything that can become negative and cause problems in the future.

Travel and planning can often be altered, with delayed flights, hotels losing reservations, and the canceling of local trips. The changes will try our patience as we put more energy into finding alternate routes. Communication highlights this phase as guidance from the universe to think before we speak to avoid saying something we regret.

The universe recommends clearing our cupboards, refrigerators, mental cobwebs, and energy cords. Closing out anything that is a weighing effect will need to be finalized. Unseen interconnections to old patterns, people, and cycles are also part of this phase. A cord-cutting ceremony is a healthy habit that can remove unseen energy and keep us in an open angle to receive everything for our highest good (and those around us too).

It is also advisable to watch for the fine print in legal documents and conversations that have some power over us as weepy emotions capture our focus. Heightened emotions will cause tears and fears to clear out emotional attachments. Hopefully, we won't feel the backward effect much through the next several weeks; however, inner feelings will trigger us unexpectedly.

Mars In Gemini

Mars in Gemini energy shift began on August 20, 2022, and will stay with us for the next seven months, ending on March 25, 2023. As a reminder, this planetary shift is full of mischief and playful twists and turns and may sneak into our lives in ways we never thought possible.

Sharp tongues, feistiness, and furious emotional waves may cross our paths. Whether we are the instigator or it comes from our closest loved one, the words we say may alter our focus, at least temporarily, while trying to move past the enigmas that stand in front of us.

Low energy will encompass our mental and physical agility making us want to binge-watch old reruns of "no-brainer" shows so we can chill for a while. Not to worry about sitting there too long as the powerful energies will flow in some chaos to turn up the heat in more ways than we can imagine.

Passionate rendezvous, new ideas, and exotic plans will begin and work into our mind, body, and soul through this cycle. The fiery excitement of starting a new idea or spending time with a romantic partner will sizzle as we work those "Micro Vibes" by LA Gonzales to stay grounded and make wise choices.

How to stay on course through the trio energy

Many will have some details to examine but not have much confusion with these shifts. Most of us will feel them deeply, causing us to remember that we all matter. The disorder will inevitably cause imbalances in staying focused, increasing irritation and anxiety. Challenges will occur as we stay up too late and find we are functioning on less sleep. Repetitive thoughts will sneak in and affect our goals if we let them.

Review dietary habits for healthy alternatives. It may be frustrating to hear it repeatedly, but it is crucial because this topic can cause absolute havoc in our minds, bodies, and spirits. The planet's trio is pointing out starting a new health regime. Find a new exercise program that will help with low energy and the ultimate perfect appearance. Finding a solution to quit addictions, mainly smoking, alcohol, chemicals, and non-beneficial foods, will be another highlight of this shift.

A healthy glow will surround us when we eat and feel at our best. Yoga and meditation are excellent choices to have an inner connection with our body as we sync with the universal flow.

Whether we try these methods or a different body and mind movement program, the inner knowing to take action will come into play through this cycle.

A lack of focus is going to be causing some turmoil, mainly if we surround ourselves with others that use the Mars in Gemini energy negatively as it flows through them. The familiar phrase of grounding in nature is always a keynote for focus, and trying something new would be very beneficial.

Try a course to increase spiritual and human skills for personal growth and awareness. "Blank Canvas Of My Life" offered by ASJ is a beautiful way to develop healthy focus habits and find the hidden skills and talents we often tuck away.

Searching and preparing new recipes and how to have a fantastic holiday party will create focus and stir some of the zesty planet energy simultaneously.

Another way to stay focused is listening to others share life experiences, music, intuitive tarot, and other areas that keep our vibrations high. Focusing on what brings joy and hope restores lost or lagging confidence that helps us create the routes leading to our success. Check out our monthly and weekly readings for each zodiac sign on Ascending Souls Journey YouTube channel.

Nothing we experience is a failure but a profound moment that allows us to make wise choices for the present and the future. Everything in life is a lesson. What we do - what not to do, and so forth. With each encounter and energy shift, we can find our blockages and create new angles that work in our lives. Follow your gut and never lose sight of the wonders that are inside.

We are sending all of our spiritual love and blessings to our readers.


LA Gonzales

Metaphysical Humanistic Science MHs.B

Certified Hypnotherapist and Energy Healing

Spiritual Guidance/Psychic Medium

Ps: We thank you for sharing our blogs and videos for inspiration and guidance and invite our readers to subscribe to our website for updates and new events. Watch for our new partner in the upcoming podcast focused on people making a difference, and a lifestyle magazine is coming soon.

Watch how these three shifts affect each zodiac sign in LA's next blog post.

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